Singer Owners' Club
Founded in 1951
Main Singer Logo

Singer Owners' Club Registrars

Model Registrar

The registrar collects and records all information relevant to the model and holds lists of owners of the model. All registrars own or have had considerable experience of owning the model they look after. They are knowledgeable about model differences and technical specifications. Many individual car histories are documented especially of the Le Mans models.

Technical Registrar

Technical registrars have long experience of running, repairing and restoring their models. If you have a practical technical problem this is the member to contact.


The club historians can tell you all you ever wanted to know about George Singer the Singer Company, its exploits and its cars.

Spares Registrar

For spares and for information on where parts can be obtained or manufactured contact the relevant spares registrar.

When contacting any registrar please give as much information as possible about your car especially model, year, chassis number, engine number and registration number.

Contact details for Registrars and Area co-ordinators can be found in the ‘Singer Owner’.

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